
Fun, Simple, Free Flowing Fitness
We’ve all heard the phrase “No Pain, No Gain”. It’s supposed to be motivation for pushing through a tough workout. But it’s not the only way to stay healthy and active. In fact, you can benefit as much or more from getting your exercise through fun, simple, and free-flowing activities.

Put Fun back in Fitness
Remember your childhood when you were active and fit? Most of us weren’t pumping iron or training for a marathon. Instead, we were having fun playing games like hide-and-seek or throwing the frisbee. Doing so, we got the benefits of having lots of fun while still getting in much-needed exercise. And because we were having fun, we were a lot less stressed.

Play Your Way to Total Health
Lifting weights and distance running are certainly beneficial forms of exercise but so is playing. Try substituting a game of freeze tag with your children instead of a 5k run. Spend some time rollerblading instead of doing squats and leg presses. Go dancing with a spouse, partner or friend instead of that interval training class.

These forms of exercise will not only help you physically but they will also reduce your stress levels. This is the biggest challenge to staying fit as an adult. We struggle to make exercise fun. It often feels more like work than working out so it becomes easy to find an excuse to skip it. Then we feel stressed about not going to the gym. It is a never-ending cycle of frustration.

Total health is so much more than hitting the gym and at New Earth, we recognize this. We recognize the importance of providing your body with what it needs through nutrition, your mind what it needs through play and your soul what it needs through nature. We are about living the New Earth Life. Show us how you are living the New Earth Life by posting on Instagram with #NewEarthLife and tagging @newearthco.