
Handle yourself with care

It isn’t quite possible to overstate the importance of heart health; what we can do for ourselves, we must do. One of the ways New Earth helps care for our most vital organ is with its Energize product. It includes 100mg of pure ubiquinol and helps promote heart and cardiovascular health. Recent studies are discovering Coenzyme Q10 may help increase heart health.* In one study, three patients on high amounts of CoQ10 for up to five years experienced an increased well being.* That said, adding Energize to your regular lifestyle is a colossal step in the right direction.

Fast facts:

  • Some studies show CoQ10 may help increase normal heart functions after up to three months of continual supplementation.*
  • CoQ10 supplements may help improve cardiovascular health.*
  • Your heart has huge energy requirements, making CoQ10 essential for a healthy cardiovascular system.

Ready for a life more Energized?

The healthiest snack attack

Managing a balanced diet requires a considerable amount of focused effort. And what of those times in between meals, when options can be limited? New Earth’s go-to answer is their BG Bars product, and it’s an easy one to make. At just 150 calories and with a taste that appeals to all ages (even kids), the nutritious bar fits in a back pocket or backpack pouch until you really need it. It’s as convenient as it good for you.

Fast facts:

  • Omega-3 fatty acids are good nutrients to include in snacks, as they benefit your heart as well as your head.
  • Healthy snacking benefits children by providing an additional source of nutrients to meet their daily caloric and nutritional needs.
  • A healthy snack keeps hunger at bay and allows you to stick to a moderate amount of food when you do eat your next meal.

Want to look forward to snacking?