
Love Your Way to Good Health

Although Valentine’s Day has come and gone the entire month of February seems to embrace a heightened state of love and kindness. It could have to do with the fact that it’s National Heart Health month or maybe the fact that the 17th was #NationalRandomActsOfKindnessDay. Regardless of the reason, this heightened state of love and kindness has a positive impact on our wellbeing. Actually, love is scientifically proven to improve one’s health and wellbeing.

Many of us know and understand that when we love someone, and are loved in return, our mental health is improved. And, it’s not hard to wrap the mind around the concept that happiness and joy are healthy for each and every one of us. But, there are a few health benefits that are not so obvious and as equally as impressive.

Live a little longer.
Research is showing that married couples typically live longer than those who are single. For those of you who are single, there is no need to worry. This love that helps to increase life expectancy is not specific to a life partner and romantic relationships. It applies to relationships with friends and family as well.

These benefits are attributed to the support you receive when you are in a loving relationship. You have both emotional and social support on a regular basis, an accountability partner, and someone to care for you during those times when you’re not feeling so well.

Take the edge off of stress.
Healthy relationships, those that include love, come with a sense of security and support. You know that someone has your back and that they will be there for you in times of need. This feeling of attachment and support naturally reduces stress levels.

Save some love and care for number one.
Self-care and love are powerful ingredients in the recipe for good health. And, your partner likely inspires and encourages you to practice both. Whether it’s for yourself, your significant other, your close friends, or your children, your relationships push you to do things you might not otherwise do. A loved one will encourage you to visit a doctor when you are ill or will notice when something might be a bit “off” and encourages you to seek help. Or, perhaps you have changed the way you eat and implemented an exercise routine because you want to be healthy for those you care deeply about. Regardless, this feeling of love encourages us to focus and take care of number one.

Love, it’s a powerful emotion and beneficial for our health in so many ways, especially when it involves self-love. Embracing love, relationships, and connection– it’s what we call living the #NewEarthLive!

Interested in joining a community that will support you day in and day out to be your best self for you and those that you love? Join us on our next 30 Day Gut Reboot!