
Health Tips for Women of Every Age

For as long as humans have walked the earth, women have played a central role in the family and community. Over time, the roles have changed with one of the biggest shifts taking place in the last two centuries. Only 100 years ago, a ‘women’s job’ was caring for the children and the home. We all know that’s certainly not the case today. Today, women are caring for children, managing homes, careers, and the list goes on and on. However, the shift does not change a women’s natural desire to nurture and care for those around her. And most women go above and beyond to do so. 

Women, we know, and understand that with your growing to-do list, it can be easy to push your own needs to the bottom. But, the truth is, making your self-care and your health a priority is what allows you to do your best. And, what better time to discuss this subject than during Women’s Health Week! Since we all know that the mental and physical health and wellness needs of everyone, including women, change over time, let’s dive in and explore some of the best ways you can put your health first, no matter what stage of life you are in right now. 

In Your Teens and 20s

These are the years when young women are exploring the world, discovering who they are, and finding their place. It’s a time of transitions, from going to school to finding a career and from living at home to branching out on their own. During these exciting years of life, here are three things young women can do to make sure they are putting their health first. 

  • Beware Skin Damage. It can be tempting to spend hours on end soaking up the sun or to spend a few minutes in a tanning bed to get that summer glow, but be mindful of what these activities can do to your skin. As a young woman, it’s often best to avoid the tanning bed altogether, and if you’re going to be spending time outside, take steps to protect your skin so it can remain healthy and glowing for many years to come.  
  • Pay Attention to Your Diet. These are prime years for developing healthy nutrition habits that you will carry with you through the rest of your life. As much as possible, opt to skip fast food and highly processed items and nourish your body with healthy whole foods like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains instead.  
  • Don’t Skip the Doctor. Preventative Care is the best care! Annual check-ups and other regular doctor’s visits are important at every age. Get in the habit now of prioritizing these visits so you can stay in tune with what is going on with your body and ensure you are as healthy as possible.  

In Your 30s and 40s

These are the decades where women tend to settle down into their homes, careers, and family life, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t come with challenges. Amidst the day-to-day tasks and beloved routines, women in this age bracket often face struggles with work demands, family relationships, and parenting. Their to-do lists can seem endless and the days often don’t seem long enough to get everything done, let alone take care of themselves. Here are three ways adult women in this stage of life can prioritize themselves. 

  • Consider Your Workout Routine. Exercise is an important part of any wellness routine, and that’s especially true for adult women. Not only will exercising regularly help to relieve stress, but it also plays a large role in helping you maintain a healthy weight and build strong muscles and bones that will serve you for many years to come. 
  • Care for Yourself. On a similar note, this can be a stressful season of life for many women, which means that self-care is of the utmost importance. Don’t let your mental or emotional health fall to the wayside here. Prioritize finding and participating in activities like yoga, meditation, journaling, or other activities that help you relieve stress and feel like yourself during this busy time. 
  • Keep Up on Your Doctor Appointments. Remember, regular check-ups are important at every stage of life. Schedule your regular appointments and stick with them so you can rest assured that your body is and remains as healthy as possible. 

In Your 50s and Beyond

This can be another time of transition for many women, both in their physical health and in their family and career experiences. As women approach their 50s and beyond, their bodies are once again changing, their children are leaving the nest, and they are considering what life holds for them after retirement. Here are three ways older women can focus on their own health during these changing times and beyond. 

  • Turn to Plants. Support your body from the inside out during these years of change by fueling it with high-quality, nutrient-rich foods instead of the convenient processed ones that have very little nutritional value. Consider adding more plant-based foods to your diet during these years to provide every system in your body with the best support possible so you continue to feel your best. 
  • Train Your Brain. Cognitive decline is more common as we head into the later years of our lives. Combat this by challenging your brain with puzzles, games, reading, and other mental exercises that will help keep your mind sharp. 
  • Keep going to the Doctor. Continue attending those regular doctor’s appointments and working with your healthcare provider so you can ensure you are taking all the steps necessary to keep your body and mind healthy and active for many years to come. 

Being a woman means many amazing and beautiful things, including striving to feel and do our best no matter what stage of life we are in. A woman who is striving for wellness is a truly unstoppable force. So go ahead, implement these tips into your own life, share your own advice with us on social media by tagging us @newearthco and using the hashtag #NewEarthLife, and share these tips with other women in your life.